About Me

My name is Sara. I am a wife and stay at home mom of two darling girls whom I will refer to as Sweet C and Blue Eyes. As I gain wisdom that helps me grow as a person I have decided to share it with all who read this blog which I intend to keep uplifting and sprinkled with humor. After all, a joyful heart really is the best kind of medicine!

As a writer I always try to give credit where credit is due, so watch for lovely links to click on as a reference. Some of the advice or tips I will be sharing are just from my personal experience that I have found work for me and my family and some of it is borrowed advice from my mom or a book I read but have no recollection of where on earth I read it. So, in these cases I’ll mention the wise person I learned from or I’ll make a mention that it’s not something I came up with on my own.

Feedback is always a wonderful thing and I’m sure I can learn from you as well! Thanks for reading 🙂

One thought on “About Me

  1. I’m glad you are blogging again!

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